BSCF.EU - Page personalization guidelines and quick shortcuts.
Welcome Editor.

When uploading images to a page, we recommend compressing the image before loading to prevent unnecessarily long page loading. We recommend using this site. Please use the built-in image inserter in the multimedia section of the operator panel when uploading images.
Please consider the text size and accuracy. In the range of care to be especially careful that the text was not too much debt, but also not too short we usually recommend around 800 to 1000 characters. You can use this page or any text editor to check the text range.
Please consider the scope of the text as the title is also used on the small (tabs) visible on the news section and on the homepage. For this reason, it is important to pay attention to the text range, it is usually recommended to write a title up to 55 characters for proper optimization. You can use this page or any text editor to check the text range.
If you notice any technical problem or typo on the site, please do not hesitate to contact the site administrator to resolve the issue.