About us

Growth. Innovation. Trust


Marek Chudík

Chair (IBM)

Lucia Gröneová

Vice-chair (Swiss Re)


Vice-chair (Lenovo)


Raise awareness of the BSC sector’s role in the Slovak economy and help it grow further in Slovakia.


  • Share information within the sector about concerns, solutions and best practices.
  • Communicate with national and local authorities: monitor and evaluate legislation, labor market and CSR activities.
  • Interact with universities and secondary schools to improve the employability of graduates at BSCs.

Where are the BSCs located and how big are they?

The majority of BSCs is still clustered in Bratislava and Košice. However, investors are gradually discovering advantages of regional hubs in Nitra, Žilina, Prešov, Banská Bystrica, Nové Zámky, Považská Bystrica and other cities.

Who are we?

The Business Service Center Forum (BSCF) brings together shared service centers (SSC) and business process outsourcing (BPO) providers operating in Slovakia. A Shared (Business) Services Center (SSC) is an organizational unit responsible for the execution of specific tasks (e.g. Finance & Accounting, IT support, HR) supporting the core activity of the company. Business process outsourcing (BPO) involves contracting of the operations and responsibilities of specific business processes to a third-party service provider.

Why the BSC Sector matters?

In 2024 AmCham Slovakia surveyed 39 business centers (BSCs = SSCs or BPOs) which were supporting AmCham BSCF at the time. The aggregate data reflects the status quo of the business centers industry in Slovakia as of August 31st 2024.

Who is working at the service centers in slovakia?

The surveyed sample of service centers employs almost 37 000 people. Half of the member companies expect their headcount to further grow within the next 12 months, while one third of them expect no change in this regard. The average age of employees is 36,4 years and has constantly been growing since 2015. Two thirds of them hold a university degree. Service centers continue to preserve lean management structure as only 10% of the population have people management positions. BSCs continue to employ predominantly Slovak citizens; there are only 11% of foreigners among staff whereas those from the EU member states slightly prevail. From the point of view of gender diversity, business centers employ almost balanced range of professionals – 49% of them are women.

The Business Service Center Forum is driven by AmCham Slovakia.

Copyright © BSCF

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