Train the Trainer – 11th season launched

For the 11th season in AmCham Slovakia and the Business Service Center Forum, we have been actively trying to connect teachers, school principals, and career counselors with trainers, development managers, and education experts from our member companies. The reason is simple – we believe that connecting two often distant banks will help move the education system in Slovakia forward. We received more than 200 registrations from all corners of the country for the Train the Trainer program – we will not leave a thrown glove lying on the ground.

We are grateful to all BSCF members and other companies for the thorough and consistent support of the Train the Trainer program in the 2021 season: Adient, Akadémia veľkých diel, Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions, KPMG, IBM, MB+ Training, Nidec GA, Olinclusive. 

More info here

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